The Successful Antique Shop Proprietor

by Mark Astengo


To become a successful Antique Shop Proprietor, there are several requirements and qualities that one should possess. These include:

Knowledge and expertise: A thorough understanding of your specialty for vintage and antiques, their history, and value is crucial. This can be acquired through research, attending seminars, and joining collector’s clubs or associations.

Theme: One should have an overarching theme as this helps in promotion and in gaining detailed knowledge of your specialty. Some examples would be: Jewelry, baseball cards, comic books, coins, furniture, ceramics, dolls… Even better would be: 50’s jewelry, All things Marilyn Monroe, 50’s baseball cards and autographed only baseball cards. Become the authority figure in your industry and the go-to source for those items. Ultimately you want to be able to claim: “Worlds Leading Authority and Provider of:???” Another way of looking at this is: Don’t be a garage sale as you can not complete with a causal seller with no overhead. This is will force you into constant giveaway sales and your sales will die in the summer because of all the garage sales.

Inventory: You should source vintage and antique items that are rare, authentic, interesting, and in good condition. This may involve visiting estate sales, auctions, flea markets, and garage sales.

Business skills: Running an antique booth requires basic business skills such as accounting, inventory management, marketing, and pricing strategy. Consider taking a small business course, watch YouTube, read books and seek guidance from a mentor in the field.

Marketing: Today their are two mediums for selling, the Physical and the Virtual. The physical in this case would encompass the Pacific Antiques Mall, your inventory and the display there of. The Virtual world includes all Internet promotion such as: Social Media and reviews. Today we recommend that all Partners have a Facebook account. Others that are also of value are Instagram and Twitter. Another great addition would be to do a short YouTube video on your shop or a specific rare offering.

Presentation and display: Create an attractive and organized booth to showcase your items effectively. Good presentation can help you stand out in a crowded antique mall and draw in customers. Keep your booth clean and spotless.

Customer service: Excellent communication and interpersonal skills are necessary for building relationships with customers and other dealers. Be approachable, knowledgeable, and helpful to ensure a positive experience. Consider being available in your Shop on Saturdays to meet customers. You will learn and make new friends.

Networking: Establishing connections within the antique community can be beneficial for sourcing new items, sharing knowledge, and getting referrals. Attend trade shows, fairs, and networking events to build your network.

Adaptability: The antique market can be unpredictable, so it’s essential to stay informed about current trends, customer preferences, and changes in the industry. Be prepared to adapt your inventory and business strategies accordingly.

Security: Consider installing a video camera just for your space.

Insurance: Obtain appropriate insurance coverage for your inventory, booth, and potential liabilities. This may include general liability, property, and inventory insurance.

Ethical practices: Uphold high ethical standards in your business dealings, including being honest and forthright about the condition and authenticity of items and providing accurate pricing information.

By meeting these requirements and continually refining your skills, you can establish yourself as a reputable and successful Antique Mall Provider.

If you are interested in joining us at Pacific Antiques Mall as a Antique Provider. Please give us a call or stop by and introduce yourself.

OPEN Daily: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Pacific Antiques Mall
10228 Pacific Ave S
Tacoma, Washington 98444

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